Orientation and assessment of Applicants was conducted by Greenlife and Forest Foundation, Inc.last August 12, 2008 at Camarines Norte Agro Sports Center,Daet, Camarines Norte
1. Allan S. Rivarez - Basud, CNorte
2. Dennis G. QuiƱones - Basud, CNorte
3. Deo A. Estrella - Daet, CNorte
4. Patrick John T. Calvario- Labo, CNorte
5. Ryan D. Baricuatro - Basud, CNorte
6. Jerson V. Velasco - Daet, CNorte
7. Anthony G. Gabriel - Labo, CNorte
8. George S. Hernandez - Capalonga, CNorte
9. Reynan R. Olit - Capalonga, Cnorte
10. Ronald Jhy D. Abiera - Daet, CNorte
11. Jemar M. Avellano - Capalonga, CNorte
12. Limuel B. Estrella - Daet, CNorte
13. Charlie Guevarra - Vinzons, CNorte
14. Jhon J. Zamudio - Daet, CNorte
15. Rowell M. Badaguas - Daet, CNorte
16. Mechor V. Pamilar Jr. - Daet, CNorte
17. Bejalel Gerio - Jose Panganiban, CNorte
18. Vincent M. Ocampo - Basud,CNorte
19. Marlon S. Rogando - San Vicente, CNorte
20. Joebert F. Salamero - Basud, CNorte
21. Bryan J. Sacriz - Daet, CNorte
22. John Roel E. Villarosa - Jose Panganiban, CNorte
23. John Patrick Raymundo - Basud, CNorte
24. Norman E. Vidal -
25. Ronnie V. Ocana - Daet, CNorte
26. Jayson S. Rodriguez - Sta. Elena, CNorte
27. Mark G. Salen - Labo, CNorte
28. Anthony G. Salen - Labo, CNorte
29. Gerard Beda M. Magana - Capalonga, CNorte
30. Jay-ric C. Francisco - Daet, CNorte
31. Renniel I. Untalan - Daet, CNorte
32. Wilberto O. Gadil Jr. - Vinzons, CNorte

NOTE: All applicants must submit the following requirements to PESO Labo:

1. Birth Certificate from NSO
2. Form 137 if High school graduate
3. Transcript of Record if College/Vocational graduate


Posted by Flory Quilas | 12:53 AM

There will be a Mobile Passport Processing on September 8-9, 2008 to be held at PESO, 3rd floor of Municipal Hall Bldg., Labo, Camarines Norte.


* 2 valid IDs
* 3 pcs passsport size picture
* birth certificate from NSO
* Marriage contract from NSO (for married women only)
* P750.00 processing fee

Passport applications are available at PESO Labo. For inquires call (054) 447-6209


Posted by Flory Quilas | 12:09 AM

Male - 19-24 yrs. old
At least high school graduate
Must have basic knowledge and experience on any of the following fields:

Electronics Machinery and Appraratus Assembler
Plastic Molder
Iron Worker
Metal Press
Fixture/Furniture Making
Industrial Packaging

Greenlife & Forest Foundation, Inc. (GLLFI) does not collect in anyway service fee or placement fee from any technical trainees desirous to join the program. It also provides preparatory requirements free of charge:

* Four (4) months classroom trainin g in Japanese Language indcluding textbook and other
* Cross-culture and Work Values & Ethics Seminar
* Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar
* Processing of Travel Papers both here and in Japan
* Actual cost of passport (to be refunded prior to deployment)
* Actual cost of final medical examination (also to be refunded)
* Actual cost of travel tax
* Actual cost of terminal fee
* Actual cost of Visa fee
* Airfare to and from Manila upon completion of training
* Three weeks stay in government hotel for follow-up OFF THE JOB TRAINING (free accomodation, food and other functions)

However, any enthusiastic trainee applying for the program shall shoulder the following expenses:

* Actual cost of personal documents not to mention above as free of charge, payable to
government agencies concerned.
* All cost of photo copying of personal documents for submission to TESDA, JITCO and Japan
Immigration Bureau.
* Other actual or incidental expenses.

The program has 2 phase of training in Japan. The first phase is called the ITP "Industrial Training Program" period, lwhich would last for a maximum of 12 months training. It shall be partly theoretical but mostly hands on training involving actual training work. They will be receiving training allowances to cover their daily living expenses. A trainee is also covered by a foreign insurance to cover sickness, accident or even death during the entire period of training.

The second phase is called the TIP "Technical Internship Program". Wherein after their first year training period , trainees must pass the Japanese Government Examination in Japan covering on what they have learned during the first phase of the program. Thereafter, the trainees will then proceed to the second phase, wherein the activity condocted is practically mastering acquired technologies, skills and knowledge after achieving specified level of training. The trainee will be entitled to an average monthly income higher then their regular training allowance during the first year excluding overtime pay.


FOR INQUIRES: Inquire at PESO Labo or call at (054) 447-6209